History of World Immunization Day
The exact origin of the first World Immunization Day is unknown. Recognizing the value of active immunity, the ancient Turks developed variolation, a practice where material from a smallpox pustule was inoculated into healthy individuals. However, instead of providing protection, variolation led to widespread outbreaks. In 1798, Edward Jenner published the results of his smallpox research, describing how inoculation with vaccinia (cowpox) could effectively immunize healthy individuals against smallpox. This marked a significant step in establishing a safe method of immunization.
World Immunization Day is a global healthcare awareness event observed annually on the 10th of November with this year not rolling off the celebration. The objective is to raise awareness about the importance of timely vaccination in preventing various diseases in children and adults.
The World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with international and local organizations, actively participates in this global initiative. Numerous events, workshops, and seminars are organized to educate the public about the significance of immunization.
The Importance of World Immunization Day
Immunization is a fundamental aspect of healthcare and a basic human right. Vaccines have been instrumental in saving millions of lives, especially in underserved regions, making them one of the most cost-effective health interventions in history.
Furthermore, vaccinations play a crucial role in preventing and managing outbreaks of infectious diseases. They are essential tools in the battle against antibiotic resistance and contribute to the overall security of global health.
Despite being highly effective, vaccination rates plateaued a decade before the COVID-19 pandemic. The health systems faced significant challenges in 2020 and 2021 due to pandemic-related disruptions and vaccination campaign obstacles.
In 2022, approximately 84% of infants worldwide (11 crore) received three doses of the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP3) vaccine, providing protection against potentially fatal or debilitating infectious diseases.
What is the national immunization coverage rate in Nigeria?
National average is 33% [95% CI: 31, 35]. Immunization coverage varies dramatically across Nigeria but improvements are needed in every state. All states fall below the global goal of 90% coverage for 3 doses of pentavalent vaccine.
According to the World Health Organization, vaccinations prevent around 35 to 50 lakh deaths annually. They safeguard children not only from long-standing diseases like measles, polio, tetanus, and diphtheria but also from infections like pneumonia and rotavirus diarrhea, which are leading causes of death for children under five. World Immunization Day is celebrated to underscore the importance of immunization as a low-tech, affordable, and highly effective method to protect people of all ages from diseases.
The National Programme on Immunization acknowledges the importance of the following vaccines for the regular immunization of children in Nigeria: BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) for Tuberculosis; OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) for Poliomyelitis; DPT combination vaccine for Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus; Hepatitis vaccine for Hepatitis A and B; Measles vaccine; Yellow fever vaccine, and Supplemental vitamin A. As per the Federal Ministry of Health guidelines, a child is considered fully vaccinated when they have received the specified vaccines according to the appropriate schedule.
Written by Browne Chidi Simon – LPF