The nutrition sector has issued a constructive alert regarding the nutrition situation in four Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Borno State, including Gwoza LGA. This alert highlights the need for proactive measures due to findings from surveys and surveillance that indicate rising rates of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) along with increased occurrences of acute watery diarrhea, acute respiratory infections, and suspected measles. These health challenges call for targeted interventions, especially in hard-to-reach areas of Gwoza. By addressing access issues, we can significantly reduce the severity of
acute malnutrition in these communities.
The wards of Bita Izge, Kirawa, Chikide, and Gava Agapalawa in Gwoza Local Government Area (LGA) are among the most affected regions. These areas are classified as Very Deep Fields and are hard to reach, meaning that other aid partners have not been able to provide assistance there. This lack of support has significantly contributed to the high number of acute malnutrition cases in the LGA.
The Lindii Peace Foundation, in partnership with RRM and funded by UK Aid, is providing timely nutrition assistance to six targeted wards in Gwoza LGA, Borno State. These wards are Warabe, Ngoushe, Bita Izge, Kirawa, Chikide, and Gava Agapalawa, which together have a population of 29,078 vulnerable individuals. Due to insecurity in Chikide and Gava Agapalawa, community members have relocated to Ngoushe, where they can access the nutrition services provided by the Lindii Peace Foundation.
LPF’s nutrition intervention includes providing therapeutic food, supplementary feeding programs, and health education to combat malnutrition among internally displaced people (IDPs) and vulnerable members of the host community.
LPF also conducts community outreach to raise awareness about the importance of nutrition, sanitation, and hygiene in preventing malnutrition and related diseases. This is done through LPF-trained community nutrition mobilizers and community health workers. Their efforts are crucial in improving the nutritional status of their communities and promoting participation, ownership, and sustainability in these initiatives.
Lindii Peace Foundation’s (LPF) nutrition services in Gwoza LGA are comprehensive, addressing malnutrition at its source and enhancing the health of vulnerable populations.